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Get Used to the Term “Supply Chain” 

We have tried not to focus this edition on corona virus. But right at the beginning of the outbreak, I was talking to a major developer and they advised that building had to stop because there were issues with getting the steel from China. The development sector has become particularly reliant on just in time manufacturing of all sorts of products from China. We can only speculate that it has got worse than it was a month ago. The problem is also nuanced by the fact that even if the supply chain is diversified componentry can have as large an effect as the products themselves. The industry will no doubt be in the process of rebuilding the supply chains and undertaking risk mitigation strategies. Interestingly we know that the planning process in California gives faster approval pathways to applications that use a fixed proportion of locally supplied products. As developers move out of the present shocks it may be something worthy of consideration here as well.