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Shutting the Gate (way) 

The Gateway process is for amendments to land use zoning and development control for uses different to those prescribed in the Council’s Local Environmental Plan. There are now more than 3,200 planning proposals going through the Gateway process with Department of Planning, Industry and Environment at the moment. Admittedly, a large number of those are smaller planning proposals, but there are some major investments that have been stuck in this process for far too long. Since February this year, only 3 projects listed in the Government Gazette have successfully navigated their way through the process (all regional projects). If only 25% of projects in the process are successful it would take 100 years to clear the backlog at this rate.  

Here’s a view that is gaining traction in the industry. The Gateway Approvals Process could be destined to be replaced by Local Housing Strategies undertaken by local councils. While the Government withdrew proposed legislative changes relating to this a couple of months ago – those changes may get reintroduced. Projects in the gateway pipeline could be handed back to the relevant local council to possibly be reassessed with respect to the new strategies. The only problem with this hypothesis is that Councils (and Planning Panels) would have already assessed some of the proposals that have successfully navigated the process. 

Regardless of what happens, relationships with local councils will become even more important for proponents than they are now. Developers should start preparing strategies to engage with Councils and communities to ensure their projects are at least considered during the drafting of a Local Housing Strategy. Urbanised can help you with strategies and input to ensure your projects get appropriate consideration in any future plans.