
Advisory services

A boutique firm specialising in strategy and analysis for businesses and government.

Urbanised News

Urbanised Roundtable 24 July 2020

Urbanised is set to start up its Roundtable series again with Chifley Securities. Places are strictly limited and subject to availability. Please email to express your interest.

Economic Impact Assessment Taking Off

Urbanised has piloted a new stream of economic impact assessment. This product has had an overwhelming response with clients from the agriculture sector, local councils and the property industry. We have specialist training in national accounting and input output modelling which provides you with accurate estimates of the broader benefits of your development. Contact us if you would like more information.

We Are Seeking Candidates for our Associate Partner Program

As the business has grown we are looking for the right people to become part of our business. We are seeking leads for our business development, economics and advisory businesses. If you think you have the ability to be part of the growth of the business email us your resume.

Beware of Politicians Bearing Gifts – Let’s Start the Stamp Duty Discussion 

Almost 2 months ago the property industry was abuzz with talk of the removal of stamp duty on property transactions. The NSW Treasurer announced he was seriously contemplating such a move and was being advised by a high-powered advisory board. At the time no one asked the obvious question – when has any Government voluntarily given up such a significant revenue contributor … without replacing it with another way to collect the same amount (if not more) revenue or relying on bracket creep? I cannot recall one time in the last 30 years.

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Homebuilder is Only Part of the Solution 

Good things can come out of challenging times. The past few months have been traumatic for many businesses and individuals. The amazing thing is how Governments, businesses and individuals have responded to the challenges. While not perfect we are navigating uncharted waters and the efforts of all involved have been indefatigable. 

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Why Are Residents of Devonport, Balmain and Mosman Interested in Leppington ? 

During this week we were reviewing some feedback on new roads in Leppington as part of a development application. When reading the public submissions, we noticed that comments were being received from the “community” in Devenport, Balmain and Mosman (amongst other places such as the Grampians) against the same specific road change. One Leppington local was on the record as opposing the change.

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The Problem with Economists is that they Aren’t Planners?

Urbanised was present when the NSW Minister for Planning and Open Spaces gave a speech at UDIA NSW February Luncheon.  It was a dialectical analysis of planners and economists. To the casual observer they would have left that lunch in a state of disorientation. But there is clearly something going on between the planners and economists in Government – between the Department of Planning and the Treasury.

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Get Used to the Term “Supply Chain” 

We have tried not to focus this edition on corona virus. But right at the beginning of the outbreak, I was talking to a major developer and they advised that building had to stop because there were issues with getting the steel from China. The development sector has become particularly reliant on just in time manufacturing of all sorts of products from China. We can only speculate that it has got worse than it was a month ago.

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