
Advisory services

A boutique firm specialising in strategy and analysis for businesses and government.

A Taxing Way to Pay for Infrastructure

Proposed changes to infrastructure charges provide a mixed bag of policy responses. Most concerning are the re-emergence of policy ideas that resulted in Sydney having the land production rates of Adelaide in the mid 2010’s. On the other side, there are solutions to timing issues of contributions payment and reforms to rate pegging which are both needed

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Shifting Workplaces

Consumer preferences and behaviour have changed as a result of COVID experiences over the past 12 months. Working with leading developers it is interesting to see the type of questions we are being asked. A common question is what is the proportion of households that will have someone working (part time or full time) from home post COVID.

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Trends to Watch Through 2021

Walking through the CBD, it looks like things are starting to return to normal. Despite this there have been some changes that have accelerated underlying trends that existed prior to COVID as well as some other trends. Recognising the trends and responding to them will be the key to success over the coming year.

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A Different Analysis of a Different Budget in Different Times

For more than 15 budgets I have been holed up in the lock up in Canberra reading papers and writing briefings for various industries. The reports are normally stacked with figures and relevant programs. However, this one is different. So rather than bombard you with the figures and programs, this one is written like I have finished the write up early and is what I would talk to the other analysts about before we were permitted to leave the lock up.

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Fast Track or A Fast Pass?

This article was written in early April 2020.

I wouldn’t want to be a politician for quids. Regardless of some slip ups – politicians have done a rather amazing job dealing with the prevailing circumstances. But as is the case in politics the lift in popularity is ephemeral. They are about to be under more scrutiny than at any time I can recall as we work our way out of lock down and get on with the job of rebuilding the economy.

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